Interview with Katy Owen of North by Northwest

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The stage adaptation of North by Northwest revives Hitchcock’s thriller with inventive staging and dynamic performances. We sat down with Katy Owen, who stars as The Professor to learn more…

Welcome Katy, what initially attracted you to North By North West?

I think the film is visually stunning and the outfits and interiors are so stylish. I’ve never been in a spy thriller. How could you turn that down? The production is full of action sequences, romance and silliness but also packs a punch to the heart. Cracking combination!

You play multiple roles in North by Northwest. How do you differentiate between them and keep each character distinct?

It’s really important to keep them truthful and not cartoonish. I love the challenge of shape-shifting more than anything. So, I try to think that if each character is like anyone I know. Then I borrow physical or vocal traits from them as a starting point. Then I rely on my instincts to flesh them out and develop them. 

The original story is set within the depths of Cold War conspiracy. How has this context been realised on stage?

The production explores the effects of war on mental health. It’s a diverse cast, telling stories of war from different perspectives. The costumes and language are of the period and the set is simple but very clever.

Emma Rice of North by Northwest
Emma Rice of North by Northwest

What was it like working with director Emma Rice? What was unique about her directing style in this production?

Emma is brilliant at casting. So everyone has skills unique to their role or roles. She allows actors to invent and play, even in a show that’s as technical as this. I’d say that’s her superpower, the blending of play and precision.

There was a standout moment from rehearsal… We have taken to chanting “boozy lunch, boozy lunch” whenever we get tired or stuck, all in the vain hope that Emma will give in and let us go to the pub.

What is exciting you in the culture scene right now? What’s caught your attention?

I don’t know if this counts, but I  am going to Best In Show at Crufts this weekend and am ridiculously excited!

Learn more and book tickets for North by Northwest here.