How to Build a Universe

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A person stands still at the center, looking directly at the camera, while multiple blurred images of the same person in various poses surround them, creating a dynamic, swirling effect. The background is black, and the person wears a white shirt.
Photo credit Genevieve Reeves

A spontaneous spectacle of dance, improvisation & elemental joy featuring a guest dancer in each tour location

Set at the end of time where five people from different universes meet to create something new, the new show from Jamaal Burkmar is a celebration of creation and spontaneity. 

Five seasoned dancers meet, explore, and create as they build a new world for themselves, interacting in Jamaal’s signature technical and playful style of contemporary movement. An extra layer of spontaneity is added when they are joined by a local dancer in each tour location, who steps in to improvise without rehearsal or map. 

How to Build a Universe showcases Extended Play's innovative style through visually striking and mesmerising dance set a soundscape of jazz and voiceover by Dutch composer Jameszoo, who previously worked with Jamaal on Donuts. The Place are once again producing Extended Play’s tour, growing their strand of producing work outside of the venue.

Five people find themselves in a blank void between worlds. Led by a mysterious voice, they set out on an adventure to create a new universe, one shape at a time. As they dance their way through a cosmic orientation, echoes of past creations rise and fall. The real magic happens when they must welcome new cast members from the local area who arrives without a map or instructions. Together, they improvise, weaving a tapestry of movement and emotion to bring a new universe to life, on a journey where dance, art, and spontaneity come together.

Company information

Choreographer Jamaal Bukmar, Producer Treacle Holasz, Costume designer Andrew Walker, Lighting designer Barnaby Booth, Assistant Producer Zoe Grain, Musical Score     Jameszoo,Technical Stage Manager Alex Anzemberger.


Haizea Andueza, Alex Gosmore, Fern Grimbley, Pablo Reyero Imogen Wright
Voiceover artist Zane Burkmar

Listings information

  • 19 Jan                          Leicester Curve
  • 24 Feb                         Gloucester Guildhall
  • 1 – 2 Mar*                   The Place, London
  • 22 – 23 Mar                 ACE, Birmingham
  • 4- 5 May                       La Villette, Paris
  • 24May                          Brighton Festival
  • 26 Nov                          Phoenix, Exeter
  • Tanzfestival Winterthur (tbc)

Further Information: Home | The Place