Set in the village of Great Missenden, where he lived in for 36 years and produced the bulk of his work, the museum looks like a residence until you draw closer, and see the nonsense writing and illustrations familiar to his work painted over the exterior. You’ll peak further in and see the big Wonka gates that forms the entrance to the museum. You’ll soon realise how densely packed the museum is with Dahl artefacts and easter eggs.
Three large gallery’s form the bulk of the museums offerings. Step through the chocolate doors, which they somehow made smell like chocolate, and take a peek into Dahl’s childhood experiences which in some way influenced his work. Immerse yourself in his own childhood by rummaging through his school satchel and even dressing up in his school uniform (perhaps maybe not for the more mature amongst you).
The Solo Gallery, the museums main artery, contains Roald Dahl’s writing hut, the workspace where he invented a litany of characters, worlds, stories, and ideas. Check out the unusual and quirky objects the author kept around him for inspiration, as well as props from films and TV adaptations. Feel like you’re rummaging through his premises as you sift through his drawers for intimate biographical notes, and you can have a go on the Spark-o-meter too!
The Story Centre is the creative hub of the museum, a room packed with activities to inspire the creative minds of your youngins. Make up your own rhymes, invent new characters, create some nonsense sentences in the style of Dahl, dress up as your favourite characters, and take a seat in a replica of his writing chair.
Beyond the galleries there are interactive delights galore, including George’s Craft Kitchen, where you can colour to your hearts content, and Wondrous Woods, a sensory experience with five hidden books and interactive activities.
The ideal place to take your kid from ages 4 to 10, you can immerse yourself into the bold, exciting world of Roald Dahl, whose timeless appeal pulls in the adults as well as the kids.
- Address:
- Roald Dahl Museum And Story Centre
- HP16 0AL
- Transport:
- Great Missenden