Some fanny-tastic events to round off 2024...
Trans Talent Show: Saturday 7th December 2024 at 8:00 PM
Featuring performances from London Trans Choir, as well as some of London's finest trans singers, poets and comics, Trans Talent Show will be a creative highlight this festive season. Come and celebrate trans joy in this carefully curated show. Whether you're a community member or ally you'll have a warm and fuzzy evening, and maybe discover a new favourite artist!
Tickets: £12 - £15: Trans Talent Show Tickets
Sapphic Mix and Mingle: Thursday 12th December 2024 at 7:00 PM
A low pressure mix & mingle event for sapphic queers of all genders & sexualities looking for connection - whether that's friendship, dating &/or community. It's the type of event where you can come alone, or bring along your queer friends!
Tickets: From £5 Sapphic Mix and Mingle Tickets
Cliterature: Furies: Monday 16th December, 7pm – Online
Our online book club gets together for its last meeting of the year as we read Furies: Stories of the wicked, wild and untamed. Everyone is welcome. The book club is led by former trustee, Niharika Jain.
For centuries past, and all across the world, there are words that have defined and decried us. Words that raise our hackles, fire up our blood; words that tell a story. In this blazing cauldron of a book, sixteen bestselling, award-winning writers have taken up their pens and reclaimed these words, creating an entertaining and irresistible collection of feminist tales for our time. Stories by Margaret Atwood, Linda Grant, Emma Donoghue, Stella Duffy, Susie Boyt, Ali Smith, Helen Oyeyemi, Rachel Seiffert, CN Lester, Caroline O’Donoghue, Chibundu Onuzo, Eleanor Crewes, Kirsty Logan, Kamila Shamsie, Claire Kohda, Annie Hodson.
Tickets £5: Cliterature: The Vagina Museum Bookclub
Further Information: Vagina Museum
Location: Vagina Museum, Arches 275-276 Poyser Street London, E2 9RF