A novelist trapped in a basement reflects on racism, homophobia and his inner demons.
Exploring issues of sexual and East Asian identity and the convergence between them, a novelist trapped in a basement after a memorial reflects on how he got there in a psychological drama. Eric is a once acclaimed novelist, but his third novel is a dismal failure. But at the memorial for his friend Harry, the inspiration for each of his novels becomes clear though intense and revealing conversations with Harry’s widow, Eric’s former lover May. As his private and public personas are laid bare by May and societal and racial pressures on his homosexuality strain their relationship, Things Between Heaven and Earth probes the space between what is known and hidden in a man’s identity.
Writer and performer Jun Noh said, “Things Between Heaven and Earth blends a wide range of genres, including psychological drama, black comedy, satire, and horror. In an age where people are quick to judge, the audience may need to suspend judgment until the very end to grasp the complex, murky nature of relationships that defy simple explanation. With a new creative team, I am thrilled to present an expanded and deeper version of the play to the audience.”
The Lambeth Fringe 2024 marks the evolution of the acclaimed Clapham Fringe, now in its 9th year, and has expanded across the borough to include 23 venues including founding venue Bread and Roses Theatre. With a programme of nearly 150 shows over five weeks, including theatre, comedy, works in progress, cabaret, experimental performances, music, family shows and more, it will showcase the rich tapestry of Lambeth’s culture and history.
Jun Noh (he/him), Marina Hata (she/her), Shaun Mendum (voice only) (he/him)
Things Between Heaven And Earth:
Lambeth Fringe, Bread and Roses Theatre, 6 & 7 October 9pm
The Bread & Roses Theatre, 68 Clapham Manor St, London, SW4 6DZ
Tickets: £12 (£11 concs) Lambeth Fringe | Performing Arts Festival | Sept - Oct
Camden Horror Fringe, Etcetera Theatre, 15 & 16 October 7pm
265 Camden High St, London NW1 7BU
Tickets: £12 (£11 concs) Etcetera Theatre (etceteratheatrecamden.com)