Paranoia and politics collide in this stranger than fiction Cold War drama.
Mosinee, Wisconsin, 1950. An idyllic Midwestern town is about to wake up to a nightmare.
A shadowy group of hardline activists are planning. Armed forces will imprison the townspeople. Communications will be cut off. Barbed wire fences will be erected. Prices will be changed. The Mayor will be held at gunpoint. And the hammer and sickle flag will be flown from every building.
But will they be able to pull it off? And will any of it be enough? Will America pay attention to the story they are trying to tell?
Plunging into the dawn of the Cold War and back again, The Mosinee Project follows the true story of a fake invasion. A fevered, darkly funny reconstruction, interrogating how we wrestle with our fears and turn them into stories. This Untapped Award 2024 winning show arrives at NDT fresh from a sell-out Edinburgh Fringe run.
Speaking about the production, Nikhil Vyas says “Having the opportunity to bring The Mosinee Project to Edinburgh this summer, with the backing of the Untapped Award, was transformative, leading to a sell-out run and incredible audience response. We’re now thrilled to be able to bring the show, in its freshest and boldest version, to audiences in London. At a moment when US politics is rapidly darkening, it feels like this story is even more prescient.”
Venue: New Diorama Theatre, 15 - 16 Triton Street, Regent’s Place, London, NW1 3BF
Dates: 11 – 22 March 2025
Times: Mon - Sat 7.30pm, Sat mat 3pm
Tickets: £19 full price (Previews £11, £3 unemployed/on strike)
Pay What You Can Saturdays
Relaxed 7:30pm, Wed 19 March
Captioned 7:30pm, Thu 20 March
Further Infrmation: The Mosinee Project | Whats On | New Diorama