The Best Bonfire Nights & Fireworks Displays in and around Brighton
If there’s one thing that will draw us out into a chilly and dark evening, it’s a fireworks display, and there are plenty of great Bonfire Night events in and around Brighton this year!
By Maisy Farren | Updated Oct 1 2024

All over the country people people ‘remember, remember the fifth of November’ and step out into the cold and dark to watch fireworks whizz and go bang in the night sky - there are even ‘Bonfire societies’ (including SIX in Lewes alone) who keep up the old British tradition by leading a torchlit procession through the town to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes (of the famous Gunpowder Plot). If you haven’t seen one, then Lewes is the place to be (as it has one of the biggest bonfires anywhere in the world!), but there’s also plenty of other brilliant fireworks displays happening in and around Brighton, and we’re here to tell you all you need to know!
Seaford Bonfire Night - Saturday 12th October

from 7.15pm - The White Lion Hotel, 74 Claremont Rd., Seaford BN25 2BJ
Kicking things off early doors, Seaford is a small town just half an hour’s drive along the coast from Brighton and here they take Bonfire Night rather seriously. The Seaford Bonfire Society is part of a proud tradition in England, preparing all year for the celebrations - the streets will be packed with spectators cheering on the torchbearers and the colourful and creative floats crafted by different groups in the community, all moving in procession to enter the fire site at 8.45pm. Here there will be a huge bonfire, followed by the ‘Grand Firework Display‘ at 9.15pm.
Price: FREE - the event is not ticketed, but you should get in early to get a good spot to watch the procession!
NJBS Amazing Firework Display - Saturday 19th October

from 5.30pm - Landport bottom, Nevill Road, Lewes BN7 1PH
Specifically an event for children (or, as they say, ‘juveniles’), the Nevill Juvenile Bonfire Society has been holding Bonfire celebrations since 1967, so you can rest assured they know what they're doing and that it’s worth the short trip up to Lewes. It began when two local men both had their bonfires destroyed before November 5th, so they got together and made one big one! There were 40 torches and 50 friends in the procession all those years ago, and the event has got bigger and better ever since!
It’s a charming affair which begins with “pioneers, smugglers and blazing tar-barrels” ( marching through the streets of Nevill Estate in Lewes, followed by a big show at the fire site (featuring fireworks and the traditional burning of this year’s effigy!) and ending with the singing of Bonfire Prayers at the society’s headquarters.
Price: £10 for adults and £5 for ‘juveniles’
Fireworks Night at Mannings Heath Golf Club - Friday 1st November

5pm-9pm - Leonardslee Wine Estate, Hammerpond Rd, Mannings Heath, Horsham RH13 6PG
For a more up-market affair, Mannings Heath Golf Club is promising one of the best Fireworks Nights of 2024, with an evening of mesmerising fireworks, gourmet street food and performances by the Violet Jive Band! Plus, if you want to turn your night into a really special occasion, you can upgrade to their VIP Fireworks and Dinner experience for £59 per person! This includes a 2-course set menu in the clubs Vineyard Kitchen Restaurant, canapes, bubbly and even hot chocolate to enjoy as you watch the fireworks display from the best seats in the house!
Price: £12 for adults and £7 for children (with Under-6s attending for free!)
Sussex Cricket Ground Fireworks Night - Saturday 2nd November

from 5.30pm - 1st Central County Ground, Eaton Road, Hove, BN3 3AN
On Saturday 2nd November, the place to be is 1st Central County Ground, where 11,000 spectators will be welcomed for the Sussex Cricket Fireworks Night - a night of fireworks, live music and winter entertainment. Doors will open at 5.30 with the main fireworks display shooting off at around 7.30pm. You can buy standing or seated tickets for adults and Under-16s, and children under 3 go free - but you still need to get them a ticket. Make sure you book online because they won’t be selling tickets on the door!
Price: Standing: £15 for adults & £10 for under-16s | Seated: £17.50 for adults & £12.50 for under-16s
Bonfire Night on Worthing Promenade - Tuesday 5th November

7pm-8pm - Worthing Promenade, 70 Marine Parade, Worthing BN11 3QB
On Bonfire Night itself (for those who like to keep things proper), there will be a fabulous (and FREE!) fireworks display which will be easily and safely visible from Worthing Promenade and beach. It’s all being arranged by local charity the Worthing Lions, who raise money for good causes in the area, and there will be collection buckets on site if you feel like giving back (or you can donate here).
The fireworks will be set off from the end of the pier (which is closed for crowd safety) at 7pm, and the show will go on for one hour. Both before and after the fireworks you can enjoy yourselves at the Coles Fun fair, and there will be stalls selling a wide variety of food and drink to keep you warm. The local cafes and restaurants will also be open throughout the display. We’d suggest getting there early, grabbing something to eat and a great spot to watch all the excitement!
Lewes Bonfire Celebrations

The Lewes Bonfire Night celebrations are officially the biggest Fifth of November celebrations anywhere in the world, and they claim to be “the biggest and the only proper bonfire night celebration left of its kind in the UK” (, with people flocking from all over the country to see them.
While many towns have their dedicated Bonfire Societies, which prepare float and festivities all throughout the year, in Lewes there are no less than SIX such societies, which all co-ordinate their celebrations carefully along different routes in the town to ease congestion - these events get crowded! Some cling proudly to ancient traditions which stretch all the way back to the 1600s, and others bring a modern edge to proceedings (and processions) - you can read all about each Bonfire society in Lewes here. In fact, while the old tradition is to use the bonfire to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes (who we all remember as the man caught attempting to blow up Parliament on 5th November 1605), Lewes is famous for creating and burning huge effigies of figures largely hated by the public. In the recent past these have included politicians, prime minsters, presidents (like Donald Trump, pictured above), and even a representation of Covid-19.
To book tickets to Bonfire Night celebrations in Lewes, you must find the website of the individual Bonfire society you wish to book with (this will grant you entry to that society’s fire site) - visit and click on Lewes Bonfire Societies to find each society’s page and website.