A major new exhibition of paintings and drawings by Bexhill-based artist, Michelle Roberts.
De La Warr Pavilion is pleased to present Red, Blue, Up, a major new exhibition of paintings and drawings by Bexhill-based artist, Michelle Roberts, in the First floor gallery this spring. This solo exhibition is programmed in collaboration with award-winning arts charity Outside In, following the artist winning first prize in its national open exhibition, Humanity, in 2023, and Project Art Works, a neurodiverse collective of artists and activists based in Hastings, of which Roberts is a member. Red, Blue, Up follows Roberts’ participation in DLWP’s 2015 group exhibition, In the Realm of Others.
Roberts has drawn and painted throughout her life. Her subjects arise from the realm of lived experience, such as a holiday, a visit to the ‘Dinosaur World’ exhibition, or the thrill of an Air Show, whilst other works celebrate events such as the Diamond Jubilee, Remembrance Day, or films that she has seen.
Red, Blue, Up will include a broad selection of works from the last 15 years of Roberts’ career, including several new paintings. Presented alongside these works will be several of the artist’s concertina sketch books, which demonstrate her distinct visual logic within the contained scale of each page. For this presentation, Roberts has conceived a modular seating installation for the gallery, designed through the lens of the striking colours, perspectives, surfaces and textures that she builds into each work.Photographs serve as a reference, offering hints and prompts of past experiences, from which she works methodically across each work, section by section, to create compositions that come to life through vivid colour. Through this detailed yet joyful execution, her works are underpinned by her unwavering precision and control, as she dissects shapes, forms and patterns across canvas and paper.
Playful, joyous, and intriguing, Roberts’ work asks us to slow down and take time to look and feel in the present moment. Through this exhibition, she invites us to explore each of her vibrant universes, drawing our attention to the different ways that we remember.
Michelle Roberts: Red, Blue, Up - 22 February - 1 June 2025
De La Warr Pavilion, Marina, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN40 1DP
Opening Times: Seven days a week, 10am – 5pm
Admission to building and galleries: FREE
Further Information: Michelle Roberts: Red, Blue, Up