The Railway Bell - Brighton

A quaint pub called The Railway Bell has a white and black facade with red brick accents. Vibrant flower boxes adorn the windows. There are multiple chimneys on the roof. A No Entry sign is in the foreground next to chalkboard signs promoting events.
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Typically, pubs anywhere near a railway station are to be avoided like the bubonic plague. Is there any reason as to why the Railway Bell should be viewed as exceptional? Any old-school community pub that provides enough screens for the sport, discounts on drinks for big events, and one where punters raise money for local causes, is one that deserves our firm recommendation.

While not especially glamourous, somehow avoiding the dreaded, gastrified tart-up, some should be thankful that the groggeries of old are still strongly knocking about, attracting locals who reminisce over the used-to-be, who see a tap line-up of Fosters, Strongbow, and Carling not as indicative of obsolescence, but as an enduring symbol of British tradition and culture. 

Every year they hold St Patricks day events to varying degrees of devastation, and during international sporting tournaments the place comes alive. For the Euros, they offer a stamp system for repeat attenders: watch 8 teams (4 games), get a free pint, watch 14 teams, 2 free pints, and so on. Many watering holes would cower at the thought of offering free pints to the English during football season, but the Railway Bell stands tall. 

Low ceilings, fruit machines, and lovingly adorned with what looks like home furniture, the Bell has always been a go-to spot to indulge boozily and get legless the proper way: with cheap, English pints, surrounded by tellies, arm-in-arm with true locals. 


26-28 Surrey Street